
Scarlet blade game start problem
Scarlet blade game start problem

scarlet blade game start problem

If you remember what I said earlier about the premise of Scarlet Blade, you’ll see that I haven’t mentioned anything about the ‘Commanders’. While I enjoyed the controls (they’re really fluid and responsive), the graphics (amazing for a free-to-play MMO), and the PvP (which somehow is extremely interesting and fun), I think any promotional image will tell you what I have the most problem with. Unfortunately, the game is severely lacking in security, so the hundreds of hackers and gold-sellers aren’t helping the matter either. It’s like playing a game of roulette each time you go to the marketplace.

scarlet blade game start problem

Usually MMO economies are really terrible, so this is nothing new, but the one in Scarlet Blade fluctuates so much that there’s never a stable market price. That’s not good game design.Īnother small reason why I don’t like this game is that the economy is balls. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand that when you reach higher levels it takes much longer to reach the next one, but the experience drop rate is too low for people that only play casually to ever have a chance to catch up. The original Korean version of this game has a level sixty-nine (it’s a sex joke, ha ha…) level cap, so I can only imagine how painful it will be further on down the road.

scarlet blade game start problem

Whereas previously I could get at least one level a day, after twenty if I didn’t spend the whole day grinding off mobs I’d get maybe twenty percent of a level if I was lucky. Just recently, the level cap was raised from twenty-nine to thirty-nine, but after reaching that magical 2-0, it becomes drastically harder to get experience. No, that would be because leveling up after level twenty is friggin’ impossible. These character classes aren’t the reason why one would get bored playing this game. I also really loved playing Shadow Walker. There’s usually one class that really clicks with a certain person for me it was the Sentinel. There’s lots of room for some really fun game play and for the most part, these classes are really fun. Punishers are heavy-hitting gun wielders that have some range, but trade much of it for sheer power while Sentinels have speed-both movement and attack-but not as much power. Shadow Walkers use stealth to sneak up on their opponents, then stun them in place so their team can murder the target.

scarlet blade game start problem

Whippers take their namesake weapon and provide powerful AOE attacks, ripping through hoards of enemies almost effortlessly. Of course, there are the generic classes like Medic and Defender (aka: the tank), but there are also a couple more creative ones. There are lots of things I don’t like about this game, but one of the things I do like is the classes that both factions can choose from. However, there is corruption and betrayal on both sides of which the Arkana must unravel.

#Scarlet blade game start problem free#

Those that choose to fight under Mother’s militaristic rule and her protection become members of the Royal Guards, while the revolutionaries who value freedom and autonomy over all else fight under the name of Free Knights. Arkana are perfect beings forged by the one called ‘Mother’ to bring peace to the planet, but working for peace also means working only off the filtered information Mother gives you. Scarlet Blade takes place in the distant future where regular humans have all but been wiped from existence and instead we have Commanders, Arkana, and the baddies. As such, let’s consider this a postmortem judgment on our time together Scarlet Blade, and no, we are never ever getting back together. Unfortunately, it seems as though the honeymoon period with this piece of work was shorter than I anticipated. I planned to write an article on this MMO while I was still playing it. (Warning: the images in this post are NSFW)

Scarlet blade game start problem